Setup GitHub

Setting up GitHub is straight forward in MacOS. Make sure you installed the git client, either with XCode Command-line tools or with brew.

Generate a ssh key (for ssh access)

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"

In most cases you should accept the default path (.ssh/id_rsa). Just fill out all questions. Make sure you add a pass-phrase for security!

As a result you get two files: id_rsa -> your private key file and -> the public key. Never share your private key file with anyone.

Add the key to GitHub:

# Copy the public key to your clipboard
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Paste the public key to the SSH-Key section at

Test the connection

ssh -T [email protected]

The GitHub SSH Server should recognize your account and close the connection.

Setup global config

git config --global "Your name" && \
git config --global "[email protected]"